Essay outline
Essay About Personal Experience
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Spychaser Limited Marketing Strategy †Free Samples to Students
Question: Examine about the Spychaser Limited Marketing Strategy. Answer: Presentation In Ghana, little and medium endeavors (SMEs) assume a critical job in developing the economy. In reality, as per the administration, they contribute roughly 70% to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Government of Ghana, n.d.). Furthermore, they make openings for work which lead to network improvement. In this paper, a nearby cell phone application advancement organization named Spychaser Limited needs to showcase its new cell phone application that can be utilized by SMEs in their everyday activities. The organization expects to utilize SOSTAC model to dissect the practicality of its showcasing plan, utilize the RACE model to examine its online correspondence system, and use AIDAR to assess the current purchaser buying conduct. The SOSTAC model is a showcasing plan that was created by PR Smith during the 1990s. The arrangement includes six stages that are utilized to make the abbreviation SOSTAC. The stages are circumstance, destinations, system, strategies, activity, and control (Rupik and ?yminkowski, 2014). There are different approaches to utilize this model. To begin with, the model can be utilized to survey how the association makes promoting systems (Smith and Chaffey, 2012). For instance, what they invest energy in or are acceptable at, for example, creating destinations utilizing the SMART abbreviation. The subsequent application is getting the correct parity over each phase in the arranging procedure. SOSTAC guarantees that time is dispensed to each stage in a viable way. To help its utilization, an examination did in Maryland uncovered that having a web promoting procedure can expand the exhibition and endurance of little endeavors (Demishkevich, 2015). The principal period of the SOSTAC model is circumstance investigation. The organization should figure out where it is at according to its clients and market (Reed FIDM, 2014). It incorporates a SWOT and contender examination. For example, the organization should diagram its objective clients and upper hand. For this situation, Spychaser Limited is focusing on little and medium endeavors in Ghana. In Ghana, ninety-two percent of the enrolled organizations are little and medium ventures (Government of Ghana, n.d.). This is a bit of leeway for Spychaser since this is an enormous promptly accessible market. The organization is confronting rivalry from application improvement organizations around the globe that offer business applications for SMEs, for example, WillowTree which is in Virginia. The subsequent stage is illustrating the targets. The destinations should be created utilizing the 5 key focuses (Smith, 2015). The primary point is the selling point which figures out which what number of clients the organization is expecting to secure and hold. The subsequent point is the serving point where the organization sets the consumer loyalty target. The third point is the sizzling point which is the additional worth that the cell phone application has. The fourth point is the talking point which decides how the organization will draw in the clients. The last point is sparing point where the organization quantifies its benefits with respect to productivity. The goals ought to likewise be SMART that is explicit to the association, quantifiable concerning execution, significant, applicable to the issue and inside a given timespan (Swan, 2017). For Spychaser, one of the targets can be to expand item perceivability and measure execution through Google Analytics between January 2018 and April 2018. The third stage is methodology which sets an arrangement to accomplish the targets sketched out in the subsequent stage. The attention is available portions and target clients. PR Smith built up the STOP and SIT abbreviations (Smith, 2015). The STOP speaks to the current portions of the market, the objective market for the organization, the arrangement with the goals and the situating of the items. The situating incorporates the online incentive which goes about as the exceptional selling point the business offers on the web. Then again, the SIT speaks to succession, coordination with the client relationship the executives frameworks and the apparatuses that will be utilized. In Ghana, medium-sized endeavors are bound to utilize web promoting than little ventures (Alliances for Action, 2016). Thusly, Spychaser can utilize the web to connect with medium-sized undertakings. In Spychaser, the goal is to build item perceivability on the web so this should be possible by promoting on onli ne channels that offer programming items and programming improvement programs. Also, the organization can research and see the devices that the contenders are utilizing to help deals (Swan, 2017). The fourth stage is strategies which characterize the means to take to actualize the system. It incorporates the showcasing blend which has the seven Ps of promoting (Smith, 2015). The first is where Spychaser ought to guarantee the application is has been tried on some SMEs and meets the prerequisites. The second is the cost and Spychaser ought to guarantee the cost is reliable with the costs of the rivals in the worldwide and nearby market. The third is place where Spychaser ought to build up an online retail shop where it can undoubtedly sell and connect with the clients. The fourth is advancement and Spychaser should use the accessible showcasing apparatuses and systems, for example, email promoting and utilizing internet based life stages. The fifth is individuals and Spychaser should offer good client care in after deal administrations, for example, upkeep. It ought to likewise utilize Live Chat to collaborate with clients on the site. The 6th is procedure and Spychaser should guide purchasers to their site through referrals or suggestions. The customer would then be able to connect with the staff to decide their prerequisites and whether the application will meet them. In conclusion, through organization, Spychaser can create associations with organizations that are not its rivals but rather can be utilized to advertise its items, for example, organizations that money SMEs. Furthermore, the organization can utilize promoting devices, for example, the Search Engine Optimization(SEO), Pay-Per-Click, and partner advertising. The fifth stage is activity where duties are alloted to various people. The organization concludes whether to utilize inside or outside offices (Smith, 2015). It likewise chooses the frameworks and procedures that will be utilized. In addition, the strategies that were chosen in the fourth stage are actualized utilizing activities sketched out in this stage. For instance, if Spychaser decides to utilize SEO it will be required to characterize watchwords that will be utilized for focusing on, for example, SMEs and cell phone applications. The organization needs to improve website pages to get the best positioning. To enhance content, it can assemble associations with top bloggers and sites. On the off chance that the organization picks Pay-Per-Click, it needs to have watchwords, a financial plan, an approach to check whether its catchphrases are arriving at the focused on shoppers. The last stage is called control and it centers around checking and estimating execution dependent on the destinations that were set. This incorporates Key Performance Indicators, site guest profiling, reviews on consumer loyalty and announcing recurrence (Swan, 2017). Spychaser can coordinate apparatuses to gauge execution week by week, month to month, or every year. Nonetheless, organizations are urged to gauge execution oftentimes to guarantee that the strategies that are being utilized are working. What's more, the model incorporates the utilization of the 3Ms (Smith, 2015). The principal M speaks to men where the organization centers around the HR to be utilized. The subsequent M is where Spychaser must arrangement a financial plan for the dispatch of the application. The last M is the minutes and this implies Spychaser must set time spans for each stage to guarantee that the venture is finished inside the given timeframe. The utilization of RACE showcasing model The RACE model speaks to a system that is utilized in advanced showcasing. RACE speaks to coming to, acting, changing over and drawing in (Chaffey, 2016). Now and again, arranging is remembered for the system. This system portrays the lifecycle of a client which begins by advising the client regarding the item. It guarantees the clients communicate with the staff and repurchase items thus holding them. For the model to be successful, it needs to remember customary and advanced channels of promoting particularly for Ghana for entrepreneurs. Spychaser means to utilize the RACE model to build up an online correspondence technique. The initial step is arrive at which the organization will use to make mindfulness about the cell phone application (Chaffey, 2016). This should be possible using different sites and disconnected showcasing stations, for example, informal, TV and radio adverts. Further, the organization can utilize SEOs and the companys blog entries to expound on the application. Therefore, there will be traffic produced by the individuals who visit the fundamental Spychasers site, microsites and the companys internet based life pages. The showcasing group can likewise utilize influencers, for example, top bloggers to advise SMEs about the item. To guarantee the instruments are working, execution can be estimated by checking the extraordinary guests of your locales, and the quantity of adherents. The subsequent stage is act where the organization centers around communicating with the client and empowering their interest (Chaffey, 2016). Connecting with the client implies urging the client to think about the application. For instance, Spychaser can make clients to find out about the application on their blog entry or pose inquiries about it on Live talk. Cooperation happens when the client surveys the application or offers data about it via web-based networking media. The entirety of the above can be accomplished through substance the board. The substance ought to be pertinent, powerful, and clear to make shoppers to make those strides. To gauge the exhibition, Spychaser should screen the quantity of preferences, remarks, shares and the time every guest spends on the different s
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Position of English law in the Malay States and its effect to the local law Essay
While, concerning the gathering of English law in the Malay states, RJ Wilkinson said : ‘There can be no uncertainty that Moslem Law would have finished by turning into the law of Malaya had not British law stepped in to check it’. Prior to the British mediation into Malay states, Malays were administered by Malay adat law and for the non-Malays, they were represented by close to home laws or in the event that they were British subjects, English law. These laws kept on applying, subject to adjustments made by explicit enactment, until the conventional gathering of the English law. English began to intercede into Malay states utilizing arrangement of closed settlements with Malay Rulers, as an end-result of British assurance against outer assault, consented to acknowledge British consultants whose exhortation must be looked for and followed up on in all issues aside from those concerning Islam and Malay custom. It tends to be seen that through the purported Residential System, British forced aberrant standard over the Malay states. The arrangement of the Federated Malay States (FMS) indicated that the Malay Rulers appears began to acknowledge the British mediation into Malay states. Gathering of English law into FMS can be partitioned into casual and formal gathering. English law was presented casually through the Residential System in two different ways. Right off the bat, through the Enactment, on the exhortation of the British overseers, various explicit enactment displayed on Indian Legislation which, thusly, depended on the English law. Furthermore, through the choices of the courts built up by the British managers. The higher position of the legal executive were generally filled by English or English-prepared adjudicators who normally transformed into English law at whatever point they couldn't locate any nearby law to apply to new circumstances, especially of a business character, brought about by the very truth of British impacts. For example, on account of Government of Perak v Adam (1914), where it is a tort case, including unlawful check of land having a place with Plaintiff. Woodward JC stated: ‘In managing instances of torts, this court has consistently turn for direction, as a major standard, to English decisions..’ The Judge ought to have applied Perak law rather than English law. The equivalent goes to on account of Motor Emporium v Arumugam. It is a case on execution ofâ judgment through preclusion request. Terrel CJ stated: ‘The courts of the FMS have on numerous events followed up on fair standards, not on the grounds that English guidelines of value apply but since such guidelines happen to comply with the standards of common justice’. As the Malay states were not British regions, English law couldn't be forced through the Common law standard of gathering. Malay states were free and ensured states and the Malay Rulers were sovereign. It very well may be demonstrated on account of Duff Development Ltd v Government of Kelantan in which the issue was whether the province of Kelantan was a sovereign state and in this manner, delighted in invulnerability from execution of its property. It has been held that Privy Council recognized Kelantan as a sovereign state. Another model is on account of Pahang Consolidated Co. Ltd. v The State of Pahang (1933) where a similar guideline applied as the suit against the Defendant couldn't be kept up in light of the fact that Pahang was one of a sovereign state. English presented English law through enactment ordered by Malay states themselves. The omnibus presentation of English law occurred in the FMS just in 1937, through the Civil Law Enactment passed by FMS Federal Council. Area 2(1) of the Civil Law Enactment 1937 gives that the use of Common law and Equity in FMS as a similar like which were upheld in England subject to such capabilities as nearby conditions render important. While, the Unfederated Malay States (UMS) got the English law officially when the FMS Enactment was stretched out to them by the Civil Law (Extension) Ordinance 1951. All in all, English precedent-based law was presented in Straits Settlements by Charter of Justice while the Malay states, English law was not gotten officially in the FMS until 1937 and UMS until 1951, yet it had been gotten some time before those dates, casually and in a roundabout way.
Organizational Citizenship Behavior Essay
Human Resource Management (HRM) is characterized as the hierarchical capacity that centers around enlisting, the executives, and the coordinating of the representatives that work in the association. It likewise manages remuneration, execution the executives, association improvement, wellbeing, health, benefits, worker inspiration, correspondence, organization, and preparing. Despite the fact that the HR capacities advanced, a few things never show signs of change. Since most organizations will consistently require the conventional HR capacities, for example, recruiting and terminating representatives, giving compensation and arrangement for assistance, preparing and building up the workforce, and managing business †worker clashes. Authoritative citizenship conduct (OCB) is an idea characterized as the arrangement of extra exercises that are helpful to an association and its workers. These exercises are not required in a conventional manner; that is, they are not expressed in an agreement nor required by the organization. OCB is normally a conduct of workers towards their organization and the other way around. Obviously the organization’s HRM assumes a crucial job in actualizing OCB through making a settled connection between the association and the workers. Rousseau and Geller contended that this relationship’s status is basic in the measure of OCB created by representatives where the organization must convey initial a couple of necessities. (refered to in Morrison, 1996). Schuller states that each company’s HRM has a lot of standards and qualities that are incorporated in its general way of thinking, which incorporates a deferential treatment of its representatives (refered to in Morrison, 1996). As indicated by Eisenberger, Huntington, Hutchison, and Sowa, how viable is an association in applying that way of thinking is connected towards how much the representatives feel acknowledged in their work place and hence identified with the measure of OCB showed (refered to in Morrison, 1996). OCB is available in all organizations and can be viewed as a cycle. Truth be told, the HR division energizes OCB through a few activities, which prepare to making a solid authoritative culture where the organization ensures its representatives who are dedicated to their organization. This report will talk about OCB in Middle East Airlines (MEA) by investigating the worker †organization relationship and the organization †representative relationship. Writing Review on Organization Citizenship Behavior How Companies Encourage OCB In request for representatives to chip away at accomplishing OCB, the human asset the executives needs to take a shot at certain issues to help urge every person to partake in building up the organization. The administration must guarantee that few things ought to be all around done: Social Exchange, ldentification with Organizational Objectives, Empowerment, Selection and Socialization, Evaluation and Rewards, Rules and Job Descriptions. In an association, Blau distinguished two kinds of connections that tie the administration and the workers together: the monetary relationship and the social relationship (refered to in Morrison, 1996). Konovsky and Pugh’ examination expresses that it is almost certain for representatives to perform OCB under great social conditions than monetary (refered to in Morrison, 1996). Organ guarantees that this reality is because of a few reasons: First, social connections permit workers to have sentiments of common trust with the association and they will assemble long haul associations with the administration. This will urge representatives to help improve the picture of their organization by rehearsing OCB. Second, the social relationship is one that is vaguely characterized, that is it doesn't have clear limits; along these lines representatives will almost certain incorporate certain citizenship demonstrations in their activity errands (refered to in Morrison, 1996). The recognizable proof of the representatives with the authoritative goals is vital for accomplishing OCB. That is on the grounds that every individual will receive and acclimate with the qualities and standards of the organization, and henceforth become a piece of its framework, which will give a sentiment of having a place and a support for being a piece of the advancement of the organization. For workers to accomplish OCB, Conger and Kanungo accept that they should be first ready to do as such, and that is by being supported and enabled (refered to in Morrison, 1996). Bowen and Lawler guarantee that numerous advantages are created because of strengthening. To start with, it will abbreviate the hour of reaction of representatives to serve their clients. Second, the connection between the representatives and the clients will be increasingly eager and kind. Third, it will permit the workers to be progressively imaginative and produce thoughts to serve the organization (refered to in Morrison, 1996). Determination is the principal period of the passage of a representative into an organization. During this stage, Shore and Tetrick guarantee that every individual gets mindful of the activity obligations in his field. Additionally, it is through this phase the organization demonstrates to the representative the duties that the organization has towards him too, for example, security, progress and preparing; subsequently it distinguishes a two-way relationship. This will prompt a sentiment of regard and enthusiasm from the other party, which will prompt workers accomplishing OCB (refered to in Morrison, 1996). Choice is additionally significant in what is alluded to by Chatman as individual association fit: by finding out about the organization’s targets, the representative becomes mindful that the individual in question will be picked not exclusively for their activity capability, yet for their similarity with the workplace too (refered to in Morrison, 1996). Socialization as characterized by Van Maanen and Schein is the point at which the organization readies the new representatives with the arrangement of information, approaches, and practices that they ought to apply so as to fit into their jobs (refered to in Morrison, 1996). Like choice, socialization is tied in with demonstrating the new worker that the relationship with the association depends on social trade. This can be explained through such procedures as direction that holds inside it more incentive than it appears. Chatman claims that socialization likewise acclimates the workers with the company’s targets and qualities also that it has a fundamental influence in the strengthening procedure. (refered to in Morrison, 1996). There are two limits expressed by Jones in applying socialization. The first is an exceptionally regulated one where the new workers are isolated and offered a typical learning program. The subsequent end is profoundly individualized, where representatives are left all alone to participate in casual associations with their kindred workers and to make them learn encounters. There is anyway one detriment to socialization: when the destinations are unmistakably characterized for workers, they will in general perform exclusively what they were required to (refered to in Morrison, 1996). In this manner, an organization that looks for worker OCB will in general have an increasingly individualized socialization. OCB by definition incorporates the arrangement of activities performed by workers that are not asked by the executives, in this way it isn't legitimately compensated. Hence, to support workers into applying this conduct, O’Reilly and Chatman accept that the organization should utilize backhanded implies that will urge them to do as such. That should be possible by giving a prize to the organization’s execution all in all. This will be useful in two different ways: first, it will additionally acquaint the representatives with the company’s targets and along these lines they will in general act more after accomplishing those objectives through citizenship conduct. Second, by giving an honor for the whole company’s execution, the association will by implication advise the representatives that their activity goes past what is unmistakably determined and constrained into a specific job or division (refered to in Morrison, 1996). As indicated by Bowen, Siehl, and Schneider, when the organization forces a high number of rules and guideline, it is restricting and debilitating the employees’ capacity to perform undertakings outside their field of work, in this way constraining the OCB that can be accomplished in that association. A high number of rules will unmistakably characterize the constraints of the monetary trade connection between the workers and their organization which will decrease their will to accomplish OCB by deciding precisely what the representatives are approached to do and not to do and keeping them from taking part in whatever other activity that is in a roundabout way compensated regardless of whether it benefits the organization in general. Henceforth, with the goal for workers to need to perform citizenship conduct, the organization must diminish its principles and in this manner make a social trade relationship (refered to in Morrison, 1996). Like standards and guidelines, if an organization portrays the employees’ work in an exact and restricted issue, it will lessen as per Bowen and Lawler the citizenship conduct applied by its subordinates. Representatives will at that point have incredibly all around characterized errands to perform with no respect to some other all inclusive activities. That way the trade connection among representative and friends will bound to be financial, also that it diminishes strengthening by constraining the assets required by workers, for example, information and aptitudes to making a move towards OCB (refered to in Morrison, 1996). How Employees Exercise OCB: To accomplish hierarchical citizenship conduct, representatives must practice various methods. To begin with, as Organ characterizes it, helping conduct is basic and apparent in making between worker connections. Such conduct can be noted in the least difficult acts, for example, when a representative helps his collaborator when the last is overstrained with his administrative work or some other errand being finished. Second, as indicated by Organ too, sportsmanship, another element of OCB, is the capacity to acknowledge analysis and tragic occasions in the organization without grievances, verbal or composed. Consider a gathering for a promoting thought where workers are conceptualizing. At the point when the gathering rejects someone’s thought and the last acknowledges that without being insulted, he/she I
Friday, August 21, 2020
Sexual Frustration in Alfred Hitchcocks Rope Essay -- Rope Film Analys
On May 21, 1924, two profoundly savvy college researchers from Chicago, Richard Loeb and Nathan Leopold, executed their exceptionally determined arrangement for the heartless homicide of a far off relative of Loebπs, 14-year old Bobby Franks. As understudies of Nietzscheπs reasoning, Loeb and Leopold had decided to submit the ≥perfect murder≤ so as to complete the conviction that they were of a first class gathering, better than the basic man, to whom the standard good code didn't make a difference. So notorious is the tale of their homicide and possible confinement that it has gotten dug in American mainstream society, with various books and movies seeking to reproduce it in distinctive detail. Among these, Alfred Hitchcockπs Rope (1948) stands apart as an excellent accomplishment both in its true to life strategy just as its deliberately executed plot, which uncovered the mental decay of the two killers as their deed is steadily found. In any case, the part of the genuine case that isn't unequivocally tended to in the film because of the control codes at that point, yet one of the essential reasons that Hitchcock was at first pulled in to the undertaking, is the homosexuality of the two youngsters, a factor which gets critical to a Freudian translation of the film. It is the moving and convoluted dynamic between their hostility and, all the more essentially, their baffled gay wants which clarifies the corruption of their activities. Tossed all through Rope are numerous signs that fundamental the apparent story of a homicide are unfulfilled gay wants of such a force, that the exchange and activities of Brandon and Phillip, the names of the two killers in the film, unexpectedly ... ...oing so without threat. On the off chance that the misfortune isn't made up for financially, one can be sure that genuine issue will ensue≤ (742). Since society kept them from satisfying their suggestive impulses, the young men needed to discover different methods for keeping up their clairvoyant balance, which, for their situation, carried with it just lethal outcomes. References: Freud, Sigmund. Human advancements and Its Discontents. The Freud Reader. Ed. Diminish Gay. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, Inc., 1989. Linder, Douglas O. ≥The Leopold and Loeb Trial: A Brief Account.≤ Famous American Trials. 1997. November 2, 2004. Rope. Dir. Alfred Hitchcock. Perfs. James Stewart, Rupert Cadell, John Dall. Videocassette. Warner Brothers and Transatlantic Pictures, 1948.
Monday, August 17, 2020
How to Help a Victim of Domestic Violence
How to Help a Victim of Domestic Violence Relationships Violence and Abuse Print 9 Ways to Help a Victim of Domestic Violence By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on February 13, 2020 Ghislain Marie David de Lossy / Getty Images More in Relationships Violence and Abuse Spouses & Partners LGBTQ If you know or suspect that someone is a victim of domestic violence, you might feel clueless about the best way to help. Dont let a fear of saying the wrong thing prevent you from reaching out. Waiting for the perfect words could keep you from seizing the opportunity to change a life. The world for many domestic abuse victims can be lonely, isolated, and filled with fear. Sometimes reaching out and letting them know that you are there for them can provide tremendous relief. How to Help Support a Domestic Violence Victim Use the nine tips that follow to help you support someone in this vulnerable situation. Reasons Why Domestic Abuse Happens Make Time for Them If you decide to reach out to an abuse victim, do so during a time of calm. Getting involved when tempers are flaring can put you in danger. Also, make sure to set aside plenty of time in case the victim decides to open up. If the person decides to disclose years of pent-up fear and frustration, you will not want to end the conversation because you have another commitment. Start a Conversation You can bring up the subject of domestic violence by saying “I’m worried about you because …..†or “I’m concerned about your safety… or I have noticed some changes that concern me... Maybe youve seen the person wearing clothing to cover up bruises or noticed that the person has suddenly become unusually quiet and withdrawn. Both can be signs of abuse. Let the person know that you will be discreet about any information disclosed. Do not try to force the person to open up; let the conversation unfold at a comfortable pace. Take it slow and easy. Just let the person know that you are available and offering a sympathetic ear. Listen Without Judgment If the person does decide to talk, listen to the story without being judgmental, offering advice, or suggesting solutions. Chances are if you actively listen, the person will tell you exactly what they need. Just give the person the full opportunity to talk. You can ask clarifying questions, but mainly just let the person vent their feelings and fears. You may be the first person in which the victim has confided. Learn the Warning Signs Many people try to cover up the abuse for a variety of reasons, and learning the warning signs of domestic abuse can help you help them:Physical Signs:Black eyesBusted lipsRed or purple marks on the neckSprained wristsBruises on the armsEmotional Signs:Low self-esteemOverly apologetic or meekFearfulChanges in sleeping or eating patternsAnxious or on edgeSubstance abuseSymptoms of depressionLoss of interest in once enjoyed activities and hobbiesTalking about suicideBehavioral Signs:Becoming withdrawn or distantCanceling appointments or meetings at the last minuteBeing late oftenExcessive privacy concerning their personal lifeIsolating themselves from friends and family Believe the Victim Because domestic violence is more about control than anger, often the victim is the only one who sees the dark side of the perpetrator. Many times, others are shocked to learn that a person they know could commit violence. Consequently, victims often feel that no one would believe them if they told people about the violence. Believe the victims story and say so. For a victim, finally having someone who knows the truth about their struggles can bring a sense of hope and relief. Offer the victim these assurances: I believe youThis is not your faultYou dont deserve this. Validate the Victims Feelings Its not unusual for victims to express conflicting feelings about their partner and their situation. These feelings can range from: Guilt and angerHope and despairLove and fear If you want to help, it is important that you validate her feelings by letting her know that having these conflicting thoughts is normal. But it is also important that you confirm that violence is not okay, and it isnt normal to live in fear of being physically attacked. Some victims may not realize that their situation is abnormal because they have no other models for relationships and have gradually become accustomed to the cycle of violence. Tell the victim that violence and abuse arent part of healthy relationships. Without judging, confirm to her that her situation is dangerous, and you are concerned for her safety. Reasons Why Victims Stay It can be hard to understand why someone you care about would seemingly choose to stay in an abusive or unhealthy relationship. Here are a few reasons why its not easy to part ways.Fear of harm if they leaveThey still love their partner and believe they will changeTheir partner promised to changeA strong belief that marriage is for better or worseThinking the abuse is their faultStaying for the childrenLack of self-confidenceFear of isolation or lonelinessPressure from family, community, or churchLack of means (job, money, transportation) to survive on their own Offer Specific Help and Support Help the victim find support and resources. Look up telephone numbers for shelters, social services, attorneys, counselors, or support groups. If available, offer brochures or pamphlets about domestic violence. Youll also want to help them get information on any laws regarding protective orders/restraining orders and child custody information. You can search state by state for legal information on If the victim asks you to do something specific and you are willing to do it, dont hesitate to help. If you are unable to, try to find other ways the need can be met. Identify their strengths and assets, and help them build and expand upon them, so they find the ?motivation to help themselves. The important thing is to let them know that you are there for them, available at any time. Just let them know the best way to reach you if help is needed. If possible, offer to go along for moral support to the police, court, or lawyer’s office. Let the person know they are not alone and help is available. Call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 for immediate assistance and a referral to nearby counseling services or support groups. Help Form a Safety Plan Help the victim create a safety plan that can be put into action if violence occurs again or if they decide to leave the situation. Just the exercise of making a plan can help them visualize which steps are needed and to prepare psychologically to do so. Because victims who leave their abusive partners are at a 75 percent greater risk of being killed by their abuser than those who stay, it is extremely important for a victim to have a personalized safety plan before a crisis occurs or before they decide to leave. Help the victim think through each step of the safety plan, weighing the risks and benefits of each option and ways to reduce the risks. Be sure to include the following in the safety plan: A safe place to go in an emergency, or if they decide to leave homeA prepared excuse to leave if they feel threatenedA code word to alert family or friends that help is neededAn escape bag with cash, important documents (birth certificates, social security cards, etc.), keys, toiletries, and a change of clothes that can be easily accessed in a crisis situationA list of emergency contacts, including trusted family or friends, local shelters, and domestic abuse hotline How dangerous is the situation? Take the Danger Assessment Quiz to find out. What Not to Do or Say to a Domestic Violence Victim Although there is no right or wrong way to help a victim of domestic violence, you want to avoid doing anything that will make the situation worse. Here are some donts the experts suggest you avoid: Dont... Bash the abuser. Focus on the behavior, not the personality.Blame the victim. Thats what the abuser does.Underestimate the potential danger for the victim and yourself.Promise any help that you cant follow through with.Give conditional support.Do anything that might provoke the abuser.Pressure the victim.Give up. If she is not willing to open up at first, be patient.Do anything to make it more difficult for the victim. When to Call the Police If you know that violence is actively occurring, call 9-1-1 immediately. If you hear or see physical abuse taking place, call the police. The police are the most effective way to remove the immediate danger to the victim and their children. There are no situations in which children should be left in a violent situation. Do whatever is necessary to ensure their safety, even if it means going against the wishes of your victim friend or the wishes of the abuser. In actively violent situations, calling child protective services is not the problem, its part of the solution. A Word From Verywell Although your natural impulse will want to be to rescue someone you care about from domestic violence, the person being abused needs to make the ultimate decision of whether to leave and get help. Keeping this in mind will help ensure that you support them no matter their decision and continue to provide them with a loving and safe friendship. 9 Ways to Prevent Teen Dating Violence
Friday, June 26, 2020
The Negative Impact of Bankruptcy
The newspapers are littered with stories of celebrities going bankrupt while still living in big houses and collecting big checks. It’s easy to read these stories and assume that bankruptcy is an easy way out, and that no matter how bad things get, you can always just declare bankruptcy. But as you might have suspected, it’s not quite that simple. These stories often hide the truth, and that truth is pretty scary. So, if you ever find yourself contemplating bankruptcy, whether for yourself or for your business, keep the following in mind. It’s Not that Straightforward There are several forms of bankruptcy, covering individuals, businesses and even municipalities. Some of these are very specific and complicated and if you have a company then you’ll need a business bankruptcy attorney just to wrap your head around them. For individuals, it’s an option between Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Both come with a long list of negatives but there are some noticeable differences. More importantly though these differ from many business bankruptcies that don’t impact heavily on an individual’s personal finances. Many of the stories you hear about entrepreneurs declaring bankruptcy and still living large are likely the result of carefully orchestrated business bankruptcies. Chapter 7 will liquidate an individual’s assets in order to pay off debts, with remaining debts being written off. This is the most common form of bankruptcy and is typically more damaging, leaving the individual with very little. In Chapter 13, a person’s debts are restructured and renegotiated following an agreement with debtors, and they are not forced to sell everything. Not Everything is Covered Bankruptcy will help you to clear most of your debts, but not all debts are covered and this is true of both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. Alimony/child support, and any government debt (such as back taxes) will not be covered and will continue to be owed. Students loans will also typically remain, even though these account for a large portion of personal debt in the United States. It Leaves a Lasting Impact Bankruptcy will remain on your credit report for 10 years. This means that even if you get back on your feet after a couple years, you may struggle to take out a loan, get a mortgage or even take out credit cards. It’s a big black mark that remains for a very long time and does a lot of damage on the way. It’s not Free Ironically, while bankruptcy is undertaken as a last resort by people with no money, it’s not a cheap process and many debtors find that they simply don’t have the money they need to file. There are filing fees, attorney fees, credit counseling fees, and more. Of course, if you’re heavily in debt, with interest payments coming out of your ears and with no end in sight, these fees might be worth the added burden. At least that additional burden won’t be there for long.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Nile River and Nile Delta in Egypt
The Nile River in Egypt is among the longest rivers in the world, running for a length of 6,690 kilometers (4,150 miles), and it drains an area of roughly 2.9 million square kilometers, about 1.1 million square miles. No other region in our world is so dependent on a single water system, especially as it is located in one of our worlds most extensive and severe deserts. More than 90% of the population of Egypt today lives adjacent to and relies directly on the Nile and its delta. Because of ancient Egypts dependence on the Nile, the rivers paleo-climatic history, particularly the changes in the hydro-climate, helped shape the growth of dynastic Egypt and led to the decline of numerous complex societies. Physical Attributes There are three tributaries to the Nile, feeding into the main channel which flows generally northward to empty into the Mediterranean Sea. The Blue and the White Nile join together at Khartoum to create the main Nile channel, and the Atbara River joins the main Nile channel in northern Sudan. The Blue Niles source is Lake Tana; the White Nile is sourced at equatorial Lake Victoria, famously confirmed in the 1870s by David Livingston and Henry Morton Stanley. The Blue and Atbara rivers bring most of the sediment into the river channel and are fed by summer monsoon rains, while the White Nile drains the larger Central African Kenyan Plateau. The Nile Delta is roughly 500 km (310 mi) wide and 800 km (500 mi) long; the coastline as it meets the Mediterranean is 225 km (140 mi) long. The delta is made up mainly of alternating layers of silt and sand, laid down by the Nile over the past 10 thousand years or so. The elevation of the delta ranges from about 18 m (60 ft) above mean sea level at Cairo to around 1 m (3.3 ft) thick or less at the coast. Using the Nile in Antiquity The ancient Egyptians relied on the Nile as their source for reliable or at least predictable water supplies to allow their agricultural and then commercial settlements to develop. In ancient Egypt, the flooding of the Nile was predictable enough for the Egyptians to plan their yearly crops around it. The delta region flooded annually from June to September, as a result of monsoons in Ethiopia. A famine resulted when there was inadequate or surplus flooding. The ancient Egyptians learned partial control of the flood waters of the Nile by means of irrigation. They also wrote hymns to Hapy, the Nile flood god. In addition to being a source of water for their crops, the Nile River was a source of fish and waterfowl, and a major transportation artery linking all of the parts of Egypt, as well as linking Egypt to its neighbors. But the Nile does fluctuate from year to year. From one ancient period to the next, the course of the Nile, the amount of water in its channel, and the amount of silt deposited in the delta varied, bringing abundant harvest or devastating drought. This process continues. Technology and the Nile Egypt was first occupied by humans during the Paleolithic period, and they were undoubtedly affected by the Niles fluctuations. The earliest evidence for technological adaptations of the Nile occurred in the delta region at the end of the Predynastic Period, between about 4000 and 3100 B.C.E., when farmers began building canals. Other innovations include: Predynastic (1st Dynasty 3000–2686 B.C.E.)â€â€Sluice gate construction allowed deliberate flooding and draining of farm fieldsOld Kingdom (3rd Dynasty 2667–2648 B.C.E.)â€â€2/3 of the delta was affected by irrigation worksOld Kingdom (3rd–8th Dynasties 2648–2160 B.C.E.)â€â€Increasing aridification of the region leads to the progressively advanced technology including the building of artificial levees and enlarging and dredging of natural overflow channelsOld Kingdom (6th–8th Dynasties)â€â€Despite the new technologies developed during the Old Kingdom, aridification increased such that there was a 30 year period in which flooding of the delta did not occur, contributing to the end of the Old Kingdom.New Kingdom (18th dynasty, 1550–1292 B.C.E.)â€â€Shadoof technology (so-called Archimedes Screw invented long before Archimedes) first introduced, allowing farmers to plant several crops a yearPtolemaic period (332–30 B.C.E. )â€â€Agricultural intensification increased as population moved into the delta regionArab Conquest (1200–1203 C.E.)â€â€Severe drought conditions led to famine and cannibalism as reported by the Arabic historian Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi (1162–1231 C.E.) Ancient Descriptions of the Nile From Herodotus, Book II of The Histories: [F]or it was evident to me that the space between the aforesaid mountain-ranges, which lie above the city of Memphis, once was a gulf of the sea,... if it be permitted to compare small things with great; and small these are in comparison, for of the rivers which heaped up the soil in those regions none is worthy to be compared to volume with a single one of the mouths of the Nile, which has five mouths. Also from Herodotus, Book II: If then the stream of the Nile should turn aside into this Arabian gulf, what would hinder that gulf from being filled up with silt as the river continued to flow, at all events within a period of twenty thousand years? From Lucans Pharsalia: Egypt on the west Girt by the trackless Syrtes forces back By sevenfold stream the ocean; rich in glebe And gold and merchandise; and proud of Nile Asks for no rain from heaven. Sources: Castaà ±eda IS, Schouten S, Pà ¤tzold J, Lucassen F, Kasemann S, Kuhlmann H, and Schefuß E. 2016. Hydroclimate variability in the Nile River Basin during the past 28,000 years. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 438:47-56.Krom MD, Stanley JD, Cliff RA, and Woodward JC. 2002. Nile River sediment fluctuations over the past 7000 yr and their key role in sapropel development. Geology 30(1):71-74.Santoro MM, Hassan FA, Wahab MA, Cerveny RS, and Robert C Balling J. 2015. An aggregated climate teleconnection index linked to historical Egyptian famines of the last thousand years. The Holocene 25(5):872-879.Stanley DJ. 1998. Nile Delta in its destruction phase. Journal of Coastal Research 14(3):794-825.
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